
The Subprime Primer

Por Que as Bolsas de Valores Nos BRICs Estão Subindo Tanto?

A Brief Overview on Latam FX and Brazil´s Inflation and Selic

Recover in Sight - the IMF Take on the World

Brazil: Inflation, Fiscal Sector and Selic

The IMF and the Special Drawing Rights Bonds

Trade Balance Outlook for 2009

Happy Fourth of July!!!!!!!!

Christina Romer and the 1937 Warning - Rising Unemployment in the US

Good News on the External Sector in Brazil

The Defeat of the Kirchners - A Comment on Argentina

Are We At the End of the Monetary Easing Cycle?

Balance of Payments Results: Brazil

Monetary Policy Decisions in Latin America

The BRICs´ First Summit

Funding the Fund: Will Mexico Join Brazil?

The BRICs Performance for 2009 and 2010

The US Dollar and the Brics - A Love and Hate Affair

Slowdown in Brazil and Interest Rates Decision

Reasons Why The Worst of the Crisis is Behind Us in the Emerging Markets

The IMF Response to the Global Crisis

Brazilian Indicators - A Few Comments


Gail Trinner - ch 3: State, Money and Banking

Factor Endowments, Institutions and Differential Paths of Growth among New World Economics: A View from Economic Historians of the United States

Tropics, Germs and Crops: How Endowments Influence Economic Dvelopment by Easterly and Levine